8 responses
hmm...not much of a dark rum float.should be a lime wedge not wheel.to hard to squeeze.No stir stick.Flower should actually be on glass rim. okay,critique over...bottoms up! cheers!
Thanks for taking me away from dreary New York winter weather to Honolulu's tropical breezes.

I was wondering about the float on the Mai Tai, above--but loafers gave the answer: Dark rum. Nice.

I will need to amend my recipe with a lime wedge.

People are truly passionate about making Mai Tais just right.

Thanks for sharing these lovely slides, Noelle!

loafers - Glad you enjoyed the pictures! Interesting point about the lime wedge being too hard to squeeze as a wheel and the lack of a swizzle stick. (Interesting to ponder the functionality of a cocktail.) There wasn't a swizzle, but there was a nice stick of sugar cane. Perhaps it can double as a stirring device. And it's tasty to chew on at the end.

Lorraine: If I'm correct, as loafers said, the float on the top is high-proof dark rum. This recipe is one of my favorites and actually incorporates three types of the sugar-based liquor. I'll post about it on Joy of Drinking for you when I've got a tick-tock. We had actually tried to interview our favorite bartender in Hawaii about the mai tai (he works in the jazz lounge part of that hotel) but got sidetracked by other wonders. Alas, we will make another effort for you next visit.

This is only my favorite recipe because I haven't tried yours yet. No question it sounds delicious. I am particularly intrigued by your use of lemon simple syrup.

Normally I agree that the lime wedge is better, but for this particular Mai Tai, I could live with the wheel, since the proportions were correct. Had it not been tart enough, I would have been annoyed about the wheel. Lorraine, I'd advise going with a wedge, just so you can leave it up to your drinker.

House Without a Key uses 151 for it's float, and normally they're a bit more generous with it. Personally I think the float is a bit silly, since you have to stir it anyway, but the gorgeous presentation makes up for that inconvenience.

ack. forgot the most important "missing Ingredient" in my critique.The little Umbrella! how embaressing.
think i told u b4.But if u put the lime wheel on its side,on top(crushed ice),sugar cube on lime wheel,pour 151 over and float. Set on fire. And viola...nice flame. All extra garnishes on the side on a napkin please. Also when drinks have layers and floats it has been recommended not to stir till the end.Personal preferences of course.Wanna taste the individual ingredients-151 is a special event. However,i've "bottoms upped" some real nice looking layered shots. Next: The Tropical Itch....back scratcher in, or on the side?
Loafers' dramatic presentation is too irresistible to pass up. I'll definitely try it--and I have the perfect touch: Demerara sugar cubes.

@Noelle I love idea of using a sugar cane swizzle stick. Hard but not impossible to find here in NY. But I'll have to wait until summer when sugar cane is sold from carts on Fordham Road in the Bronx.

ah..but cane your sugar cane stir stick have little footballs on the top.? Maybe not as tasty as sugar cane but they can be novel collector's items(cheap souvoniers sp.) Like the guy that collects barf-bags from airlines.