"Amazon, if I could, I would seriously make out with you right now."

These days, I find myself in the social media and marketing world, and as such I am drawn to interesting ways companies engage customers.

This, for instance, is your first greeting to the Amazon.com home page. It's not a book or an espresso maker. It's a half-goofy message to the customer about the customer. It starts with a funny customer quote (even linking to the customer's blog), directly addresses a customer need, offers an avenue for feedback, proves that the company listens, keeps a little humor in there (Victim of wrap rage!), and signs the message from the founder and CEO.

More and more companies are talking about authentic communication through social media. Amazon is doing just that right through its home page--and they're selling packaging at the same time.

What if more companies were to integrate this "authentic communication" more closely with their their product?