I went to Monterey/Carmel!

Josh and I drove down to Monterey for a lovely rendezvous with his mother. What fun!

Feast your eyes on:

- The commercial quaintness that is Carmel. Observe the lovely neighborhood bakery, which has been a fixture of the tiny town since 1906--and now serves globalization by the cup c/o Starbucks. 

- Shot of the ocean off of Canary Row in downtown Monterey, where we also got a delicious hot fudge Sundae from Ghiradellis.

- Awesome jelly fish pictures from the Monterey Bay Aquarium! 

- A seal. 

Carmel in a nut graph: The small art town is both quaint and touristy. The beaches draw crowds of families and dogs, while the galleries are stuffy. There are also candle shops galore, begging the existential question, what would ever make someone think of starting a candle shop and how do they make money?

Monterey in a nut graph: The aquarium is awesome!