4 responses
and you guys call yourself a "news" agency? Just call the local police and ASK THEM. You're acting like little schoolgirls who just caught a glimpse of a pop-star. Very unprofessional.
Our main focus here isn't to identify motorcades, so we won't devote energy to reporting on vehicles that roll by our office. We're just enjoying a bit of curiosity during our first week in the office.

Hope others enjoy the mystery!

i am amused by the mystery too! no biggie not to hear about it on the news though as the motorcade didn't actually affect traffic too much around here.
a snarky comment from the pot calling the kettle black.At least it provided an outlet for ol' snarky to post its snarky comment.i'd call that "mission accomplished".Interactive reader participation.Hawaii is unique in getting lots of info from "the man on the street" otherwise affectionally known as the "coconut wireless". Who's to say that HPD woulda gave up the indentification anyways.HPD can be very tight-lipped. I think Peer News got off to a great start! And even Snarkles itself got to show its ignorance.Thus proving Peer News is/will be tolerant and "johnny-on-the-spot.THank you